
Smeetchy at the Movies: SING!

MOVIES | Sing! toddler review.

I really didn’t like Sing! I mean, I could have liked it, maybe, if I hadn’t been trying to watch it with a squirmy baby-toddler-creature who had literally no interest whatsoever in it.

Smeetchy did NOT like Sing!

She did not like it at ALL. I’m not sure why, but she whined the entire time we were in the theatre.

“I no LIKE dat mouse man!”

“I no LIKE dat piggy!”

“I no LIKE songs!”

“I no LIKE fun, Mama. I need to GO.”

Eventually I got the picture and we departed before the film was over. I bought her a ball from a vending machine in the lobby and she perked right up. (Actually, I had to buy her two balls. Shh. I’m the most bribe-giving mediocre mom in the world, y’all.)

My sister told me that Sing! was the first film her entire family had enjoyed as a group.

(That’s two adults and three kids ranging in age from 3 to 10.) And I get it. The pop music is entirely palatable. The story adult-enough, but not incomprehensible, and sort of sweet. I was rooting for the characters.

Look, I can’t fully disagree with her review. Sing! was very silly, don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t a particularly smart or substantial film, but it was cute, I guess? Sorta? I get why a certain type of person (maybe even most people) would find it enjoyable.

The Smeetch could not have disagreed more vehemently.

Certainly, I can find nothing that would explain why Smeetch reacted this way to the film. She just … hated it. Even catching sight of a promotion image, seen months later, gets her hackles up at this point. It’s very strange.

I present to you now, her Sing! toddler review. Two thumbs most decidedly down. Watch more Smeetchy at the Movies here.